Born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentine. Growing up and more specifically in the last years I found a love and passion for creating content through imagery across Instagram mainly.

I am pretty shy person, but since I moved to France at the end of 2021 to pursue my dreams and be able to build a life with my boyfriend, I am constantly trying to come out of my shell. I went to university for 2 years, where I studied Fashion Production. While attending university, I had the opportunity to discover plenty of aspects of fashion and I was super inspired. When I finished my studies I went to Cambridge for six months and that is when I began my journey on social media with more lifestyle and fashion content.

Fast forward to 2020 with the pandemic I started being more consistant on posting on Instagram, I started creating content at home and growing my followers. When I finally moved I made the decision to take social media even more serious by showcasing my personal style through my own lens and what better than to do it in Paris, the most inspiring city.

My style is pretty simple, minimal. I am on my way to create a well curated closet, including handbags, accessories and shoes.

My hobbies include online and physical window shopping, Romantic Comedies, and listening to Disney songs. And I am all about to neutrals. Obviously.